There are various things you can do to ensure that you are able to achieve the maximum possible number of clicks at your Adsense blog.
Many Adsense affiliates make every effort to get the most valuable Adsense keywords to use in their blog content, however ensuring that they are able to generate the maximum possible number of clicks is a little more challenging. Here is what to do.
a) Camouflage your Adsense ads so that they look as much a part of your blog as possible. You will be assured of a maximum number of clicks at your Adsense blog if your ads look more like links to additional information rather than ads. Of course they'll still be the 'Ads by Google' statement at the bottom of the ads and so folks will know deep inside that they are clicking on an Adsense ad.
b) Give all the valuable information that you can at your blog but ask new questions and leave them unanswered. The idea is to create hunger for even more information so that your readers will hopefully turn to the Adsense ads for answers, which will guarantee you the maximum amount of clicks at your Adsense blog.
c) Where you place your Adsense ads will have an impact on whether or not you will end up receiving the maximum amount of clicks at your Adsense blog. It will depend on the nature of your blog and your content, but generally speaking, the more prominent your Adsense ads the higher the chances of receiving the maximum possible clicks at your Adsense blog.
Find out how you can learn more about the best Adsense make money secrets from an expert who makes over $19,000 a month from Adsense. Or discover an easy way to increase traffic to your Adsense blog using only free articles marketing.
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