Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Common Adsense Mistakes by Bloggers

Here I am giving a list of common adsense mistakes committed by the Adsense Bloggers. Always try to avoid these mistakes in order not to get disappointed :
1.Do not paste more than 3 ad units on your blog. Although you cannot do it as per the programming itself, but also be aware of avoiding it.
2.Do not click your own ads anywhere. Make it a policy, whether you are sitting on your own computer or anywhere else. This way you will always remain safe.
3. Do not join paid to surf, paid to click and traffic exchange programs.
4.Do not run ads of other ppc programs along with adsense ads even when the other ppc programs have no objection to it. Adsense may not support it.
5.Place your ads only on the pages having content. Do not display ads on other types of pages.
6.Do not ignore topics having high paying keyword value. Selecting low paying keyword topics may be a great obstacle in making great income.
7.Do not jumble too many topics in one blog. It is always better to aim all articles in one blog on one topic only. It helps in optimization of your content and does not attract Google's smart pricing.
8. Do not do the mistake of buying cheap traffic. They do not provide real visitors and are most likely to get your adsense account banned.
10. Do not try to make any changes in the adsense code for the purpose of making any changes in the ad placement. This results in banning your account.
11. Many people, when they start earning some good income, in their enthusiasm start disclosing all confidential information like ctr, page impressions, income statistics to others on their blog itself. This is too risky. Avoid it.
12.Emails formatted as html look nice and allow placement of javascript ads. But it is not allowed as per Google's TOS. Never try to have impressions registering on their logs from any email. They are watching!
13.Do not place ads on web pages with MP3, Video, News Groups, and Image Results. Also exclude all pornographic, hate-related, violent, or illegal content on your blog. This can get you banned.
14. Avoid excessive advertising and more density of keywords in the content as this may not be liked by search engines.
15. Adsense ads should open on the same page and not on new page. Many bloggers make it open on new page. This is not allowed.
16. Do not place ads on the pages having content languages not supported by Google.
17. Always try to update your blog content by editing existing articles where required and adding new articles. This exercise will keep the interest of visitors in your blog and they will continue to come.
18. Do not keep your earnings on hold for a long time. If for any reason you get banned, you will lose all your earning including that kept on hold.
19. Using too much meta tags in the html page. This can spoil your search engine ranking.
20. Many bloggers in order to use high paying keywords, use such words repeatedly in order to get high paying ads. But the keywords they use do not make a smooth reading with the rest of the content. They look like absurd and interrupting words to the readers. This dispels the readers as well as search engines.
21. Do not get involved in link exchanging with other sites excessively. This may do more harm than benefit. Only exchange links, if at all, with sites having subjects similar to your site.
22. Blindly getting into adwords to increase adsense income, without making thorough search on the subject. First make your calculations properly and then proceed. Use low paying keywords for adwords and high paying keywords for adsense.
23. Spending money blindly on paid programs. Now a day a lot of paid programmes promising billions of dollars from Adsense and Adwords are there. I do not say that all of these programs are false. Some of them must be genuine. But it is hard for one to be sure. One should apply one's mind properly before purchasing such programs.
24. Not using adsense in your affiliate sites. Some people use affiliate programs in their sites in order to earn affiliate income. But they forget to have adsense ads also on their blogs. They should also have adsense on their blogs in order to double their chances of getting income.

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